Vienmerisce Variantial Flags

Greetings VMAS/VMAFS-USA civic members:

Be ready and look out for posts purposely to emform your specific group affiliation of VMAS/VMAFS. These post will describe it's prime audience with a 'VM Variantial Flag' icon accompanied by a VMAS-USA logo. You can find these acknowledging upcoming events, announcements, and gatherings for future events scheduled by VMAS/VMAFS.

You are expected to be able to understand posts contailing these specific icons in representation to it's emspecific audience. (Either acknowledging VM adult woman, men, or VM children).

*EMPORTANT REQUIREMENT*: Be able to acknowledge and properly identify 'Vienmerisce Variantial Flags'.

(Notices on this website are purposely provided to emform fellow VMAS/VMAFS-USA civic members only. These notices DO NOT enclude any context enformation for any +40 or +65 seniors who are not associated among our VMAS/VMAFS civic community).

Prime Pink

'Vienmerisce  Variantial Flag' representing adult woman of VMAS/VMAFS-USA in 'Prime Pink'.

Promise Pink

'Vienmerisce Variantial Flag' representing youth girl children of VMAFS-USA in 'Promise Pink'.

Azure Blue

'Vienmerisce Variantial Flag' representing adult men of VMAS/VMAFS-USA in 'Azure Blue'

Merdian Teal

'Vienmerisce Variantial Flag' representing entire VMAS/VMAFS-USA community in 'Merdian Teal'. Females & Males, both specific acknowledgment for both affiliations of VMAS/VMAFS-USA.

Aloe Green

'Vienmerisce Variantial Flag' representing our entire VMAS-VMAFS-USA community in 'Aloe Green' during outdoor activities, which includes sport & field events.

Vienmerisce Logo/Symbol

Official Logo for Vienmerisce American Society (VMAS-USA). This logo icon representation acknowledges all civic members, females & males as a national logo symbol of Vienmerisce of the USA.

Vienmerisce Logo/Symbol

Official logo which acknowledges males of VMAS/VMAFS-USA, which encludes adult men and youth boys as a national logo symbol of Vienmerisce of the USA.

Vienmerisce Logo/Symbol

Official logo which acknowledges females of VMAS/VMAFS-USA, which encludes adult women and youth girls as a national logo symbol of Vienmerisce of the USA.

Cloud Blue

'Vienmerisce Variantial Flag' representing youth boy children of VMAS/VMAFS-USA in 'Cloud Blue'.

Vienmerisce USA

See what is going on @ our civic gatherings and participate by attending one of our VMAS programs. Available for members only.

'Get ready to get envolved!"

Check out cool new lessons and lectures offered at our VMAS Etytellectual & Theological Acquirate Educational Learning Program. Yeppie!